What's touring with Ghost albums jarule real name

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What's touring with Ghost been like? TDG: jarule real name Touring with Ghost has been lovely. I done seen mad shit that most rappers don't even see. I've been to Idaho, Kansas, Milwaukee. I've been across the whole map. I never been to Alaska, but I know they got hip-hop out there, jarule real name I know they listening to Trife Dies. ID: And it's ya boy Irv Diesel, and I still carry bags, nigga, when I got out on the road, so it's real! TDG: In Alaska, they got, what, six months of daylight, six months of darkness. I want to do that jarule real name shit! Go out there in six months of darkness! That's like being in the bing! Six months of darkness is like being in the bing. Village Voice, top choice, keeping the crowd moist, man. ID: Big shout-out to my nigga Sun Ra. It's real! Is Cappadonna part of Theodore Unit? TW: Of course, Cappa is the illest. ID: Shows, freestyle in the hood, Cappa is the illest. Cappa will do a show for you by himself.
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